If It Brings You Joy
“If it brings you joy, go there, run.”
If it brings you joy, go there, run.
We are living in very difficult times. I am tired of writing that but there it is, here we are and perhaps sadly, for awhile. I don’t like writing this nor do I like the way it makes me feel: frustrated, worried and even sad. My hope wanes. My good intentions seem to fade beneath the noise of media and my overactive brain that tries to keep me safe. I continually go back to what’s familiar, the traditions of family, the objects that I collect, my creative work, all the things that bring me joy.
“We are indeed the lucky ones, the sentient beings who know deep the benefits of beauty and the creative mind.”
SENTIENT Luxor Credenza
There is a reason one hires a designer or why we support our local makers, simply for the joy they bring us and the joy we give to them. A win/win. If it brings you joy, go there, do that.
“We are indeed fortunate to have the dexterity of the creative mind, to create and to build, inspire and to simply enjoy.”
SENTIENT New Old Dresser
Throughout history, the hand created has been a staple in our society of cultures, it has answered the problem of utility, eased our bodies and inspired our minds through beauty. It is the creative mind that opens up doors and the creative hand that builds them. We are indeed fortunate to have the dexterity of the creative mind, to create and to build, inspire and to simply enjoy. We are all fortunate to have this at our disposal, to solve the problem of poverty and ease the ills of mind and body.
“We are, despite our difficulties, tied together by the creative mind, by our ability to create and solve: to see beauty and feel its truest splendor. We are indeed the lucky ones.”
Beauty has mysterious ways over us, it is in the details, the bigger picture of the world. All within the eye of the beholder. Beauty cares less of skin color and money, it does it’s thing whether we see it or not. Like a tree, it is what it is, does what it does. We are indeed the lucky ones, the sentient beings who know deep the benefits of beauty and the creative mind. We are, despite our difficulties, tied together by the creative mind, by our ability to create and solve: to see beauty and feel its truest splendor. We are indeed the lucky ones.
“Creativity is the fingerprint of all that we see, utilize and desire.”
In the infinite game of life, creativity is the arc, the ever flowing arrow with no target in sight. It is what gives us our longevity, what speaks to our desires and brings them to fruition, inspiring and easing the long road ahead. Creation is both life saving and life giving: goosebumps and awe. It is through creative efforts that life expands, illuminated, celebrated and softened. Creativity is the fingerprint of all that we see, utilize and desire. It is who we are, what we do and what we need.
If it brings you joy, go there, run.