Nature Inside And Out

Nature Inside And Out

“In an era of lessons, one thing we are learning is our necessary connection to nature as sentient and sensory beings.”

Bringing nature in or closer is a increasingly strong movement that not only is bringing us closer to the natural world but to our natural selves and the tie between the two. In an era of lessons, one thing we are learning is our necessary connection to nature as sentient and sensory beings. This in theory is like going home again, back to where we’ve come from: looping back as we move forward. 

There is a call for more natural materials in furniture, architecture and clothing that is surpassing the notion of trend into the needs of the future. This is a demand for change as we see what we’ve done and now know what we need to do. This should not be a difficult choice, as again this is where we’ve come from, what we are made of, second nature, who we are. The Earth is calling out for change and too are our minds and emotions, we are in need of balance both inside and out.  How we treat the environment is how we treat ourselves and how we live in our homes is how we live in our hearts and minds. 

This is not simply about commerce or design, it is about the longevity of our species, quality of life, respect for what we share and benefit from. It is about the beauty that surrounds and inspires, nurtures and feeds, inside our walls and out. 

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